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Mission Trip Opportunity

Mt. Tabor will have a lead a team to Haiti on Feb. 13-20, 2015. Cost of the trip will be $1400 per person – includes airfare, room & board, transportation, and food while in Haiti. Please let contact the church if you are interested. ~ Please note the sign up for this trip is now closed and we thank all who volunteered to go.

Operation Christmas Child – Shoe Box Ministry

It’s time to start gathering items for the annual shoebox ministry! WE are looking for shoe boxes (wrapped or unwrapped; lids need to be wrapped separately), writing supplies, pencil sharpeners, tooth paste, tooth brushes, bar soap & wash cloths are some of the items you may start bringing in to Mt. Tabor now. Please place on the table in the church foyers. ~ This event is now closed and we would like to thank all who donated and took the time to make a difference in a child’s life.

SonTreasure Island VBS

Please read this to see what the children experienced in July of 2014…  Who wouldn’t want to explore a tropical island, with its glittering turquoise waters, warm white sands, and cool ocean breezes? Visitors to SonTreasure Island were welcomed by the scent of exotic flowers, the taste of tropical fruits, and the captivating sound of island music. But this was no ordinary tropical escape! There was treasure to be found here.

More precious than gold, more lasting than diamonds, it is the greatest treasure of all—God’s love! At SonTreasure Island, your treasure seekers played island games, create colorful crafts and enjoyed tropical snacks. But more importantly, they discovered the rich treasure of God’s love through the life of Jesus.

Mt. Tabor would like to thank all who were part of this amazing week.   We can hardly wait to see what adventure we will go on in July of 2015.   See you then and updates should be available in early 2015.