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Mt. Tabor T-Ball is a learning opportunity for area children to be part of a team and learn some of the fundamentals of T-Ball. The season is approximately 6 weeks (starting in the month of May and games being played through the end of June). Children ages 4-6 will get to learn fundamental basics such as catching, throwing, hitting the ball, and running the bases. There will be coaches that offer live pitching and the players will also have opportunities to hit off of a tee. The players will take turns playing and learning different positions out in the field as well. This will be limited to 125 youth.

We like to encourage parents to help! The more volunteers, the more the kids are able to learn during the season. If you have any questions about volunteering we are happy to answer them for you.

This program is free and your child/children. We encourage you to watch the video to see some highlights of the 2021 season. It is an older video but the experience is pretty much still the same. We are so excited for this season and look forward to another great year!


Typical Practices: Last 2 weeks of May

Typical Games: 4 weeks in June

T-Ball registration is now closed.  Please call the church to place your child on a waiting list.

Please contact Mt.Tabor Church of God with any questions you may have!


Phone: (419) 363-3653