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Our Commissions

Church & Pastor Relations
This commission acts as the liaison between the congregation and the Pastor as well as work to fill pastoral positions as they become vacant. This commission consists of the Elders of the church as well as a few chosen members of the congregation.

Christian Education
Education in and of itself is a great challenge. To accomplish moving people from the known to the unknown successfully in the Christian realm is no small task, but the rewards are eternal!

This Commission reviews & approves all curriculum being used from Wednesday Night Bible Studies, Junior Church, VBS & Sunday School to verify that it is “Bible Teaching” and God honoring.

To know Christ and to follow Him are the two greatest goals in life. To help people find these goals and make them a reality in their life is the call of our Christian Education Commission.

Stewardship & Finance
The purpose of this commission is to establish and develop the church’s financial programs as well as promote, educate and cultivate Christian stewardship. The commission also provides accurate financial reporting that informs the congregation of the church’s financial position. This commission consists of the Treasurer and the nominated Deacons within the church body.

Worship & Evangelism
This commission creates an atmosphere of worship that will allow people to encounter Jesus Christ through music and the preaching of the Christian Gospel.

Property Management
This commission is responsible for the physical church property. They manage all facets of the property up to and including hanging of signs, electrical repair and plumbing. We feel it is a true blessing to have talented people within the church that are willing to use their talents to help keep the church property looking great and running smoothly.

Outreach Ministry – “Reaching Out To The Lost At All Cost”
It is the mindset of this commission to go out and do; as well as go out and make disciples. They are responsible for the Easter Egg Hunt, Tabor T-Ball and Trunk or Treat/Harvest Party events that we hold every year. Outreach is also known to teams up with other commissions to help & support planned events.

Our newest formed commission.  We support global as well local missions and look for ways to bring God’s love and hope to all people.