Mission Statement
“Our mission for Mt. Tabor Women of God is to grow personally closer to the Lord, through obedience to His word. Serving each other with love, respect, encouragement and sharing our joy of salvation with the community.”
- We believe all women are important in God’s eyes and are vital in His Kingdom.
- We believe in unity within the diversity of our group and cooperation and caring through the inspiration and power of the Holy Spirit.
- “Let the old women teach the younger women.” Those who have spiritual maturity from years of discipleship and experience are to help those walking after them. Women need to be with Godly faithful women. It is important we promote and make opportunity for such relationships.
The purpose of Women’s Ministries is to glorify God by challenging women
- To know God personally.
- To grow in Christ likeness.
- To discover and use spiritual gifts.
- To love and serve others, and
- In all we do to reflect the beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ. Women’s ministries are a call for wise and faithful instruction combined with deep-seated compassion and sisterly love. We are to nurture, facilitate, and support women in their Christian lives as disciples of Jesus Christ and members of His church.
If you have questions or are interested in joining our Women’s Ministry please click the link below or feel free to contact the church.
Committees and Duties
Programs & Meetings
We outline the year and assign all who volunteer to be a hostess a month. The hostess has the option of hosting the meeting at the church. All meetings are held the third Thursday of the month from September – April at 6:30pm. During the monthly meeting we have a small lesson, fellowship, discuss ideas for future events and report on the previous month. If you are just curious you can attend and just observe or participate.
Social Services
Most generally all community projects will be completed by the group as a whole, such as preparing fruit baskets for the elderly. As more projects are added this committee will grow.
Food and Kitchen Committee
Plan meals for funerals and parties. We are planning on going outside of MTWOG to ask for additional help from all ladies of the church to contribute food dishes for funerals. Parties included are listed below. Make sure kitchen is supplied with all necessary items.
Flower & Gift Committee
Provide flowers to the sick and for funerals. Provide a gift to all new brides and mothers of the church.
Party Committee
Coordinate event dates for all parties and responsible for decorations and tableware. Events include Mother-Daughter Banquet, Father-Son Banquet, Baby Showers, Bridal Showers, Pastor Appreciation Meal, direct Mother of the Year and Father of the Year activities and Secret Sister Party.
Greeting Card Committee
Responsible for preparing and delivering cards to congregation for birthdays, anniversaries, get well, etc. Cost of cards and postage paid by MTWOG.
Promotion & Publicity
Publicize meetings, parties, fund raisers, etc. as well as being responsible for keeping Prayer Chain up to date.
Fund Raisers
We are always looking for great ideas on how to raise money for Women’s Ministry. We currently have the following fundraisers: Sechler’s pickle sale and 31 Party.
Secret Sisters Program
Ladies & girls 4th grade & up are invited to join the Secret Sister program where you will be given a secret person to pray for throughout the year and to remember on special days with a card or gift. In turn, someone will also be surprising you during the year. In February a “Who’s Who Valentine Party” is held and your secret is revealed!