Vacation Bible Study (VBS)
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a fun-filled week focused on learning about God’s love through Jesus Christ for children ages 3 through 6th grade.
Nursery is available every Sunday morning during Sunday School, Worship, and Wednesday during Bible Study for children birth to 3 years old.
Mt. Tabor Children’s Church is a worship time for children 4 years old through 6th grade. Group worship introduces children to the love of Jesus through song, Bible stories, prayer, praise, and Bible memory work. The children are divided into groups according to their age, where Bible activities are prepared for their age level. Children’s Church is held the first three Sundays of each month. The last Sunday and special Sundays such as Christmas and Easter Children’s Church is dismissed so families may participate in adult worship together.
On the last Sunday of each month the children 1st grade to 6th participate in adult worship. Classes are available every Sunday for Children 3 through kindergarten.
Sunday Morning 9:15 AM age appropriate classes available for children 0 – youth. Old and New Testament Bible stories are taught along with Bible memory work.
Sunday School classes are offered for all ages, nursery through adults, on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:00AM before the Encounter worship service. Classes for children and youth are divided according to age/grade levels, while adult classes are more flexible and offer several different options to plug into. Sunday School classes are a great way for us to gain a deeper knowledge of the Bible and develop a strong foundation of our faith in Jesus Christ. It is also a great way to fellowship and build relationships with other believers in the church, so that we will be united and equipped for ministry and discipleship.
Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Currently on Wednesday night our kids through 6th grade are doing a series on the Epic Teachings in the Bible by Group publishing. We gather for music for the first 15 minutes and then break off into smaller groups. Typically the groups are pre-K and K, 1st and 2nd grade, 3rd and 4th, and 5th and 6th.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a fun-filled week focused on learning about God’s love through Jesus Christ for children ages 4 through 6th grade. Our annual VBS program is usually held in July and is 5 nights in length with a closing program, meal and games for parents and family members to attend. VBS is a great way for kids to learn and grow in their knowledge and love for Jesus, for themselves, and for others through age-appropriate activities. Some of the highlights of our VBS program each year include: Music, Crafts, Snack Time, Recreation, Bible Stories, Bible Games, Assemblies, Skits and more!