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Current Series – Whale of a Tale

Please join us as Pastor Tim recaps on such a well-known and beloved Bible Story. This series will run from Sunday, September 20th through Sunday, October 18th. We will touch on Jonah fleeing from the Lord, Jonah’s prayers, Jonah Goes to Nineveh, Jonah’s Anger at the Lord’s Compassion and a sign for Jonah. As Pastor Tim touches on these topics you will get a better understanding of this story, while learning life applications. Please invite your friends, family and neighbors. All are welcomed to join us!!

Children’s Check-In

Mt. Tabor is thrilled to share that we have renovated our children’s wing. We offer special spaces for each stage of growth for children 0 – 3 years of age. We will have a rooms for Infants, crawlers, walkers & runners.  As well as rooms for children 4 years through 6th grade.

To make the transition to our new program easy we have implemented a automatic check-in system. Please watch the below video to see how the program will work.

We will be able to register any child at any time.   We have made the registration as easy as possible for all.  We can either register your child/children upon arrival or you can click the link below and pre-register your children today.

Please Click Here

Home Coming Sunday

On Sunday, September 13th we will be having a home coming service for Chad and Doris Shellabarger: YouthWorks-Detroit and Tabitha & Devin Dillinger: Churches of God Cultural Ministries, New Mexico.

The teams above will be coming back to Mt. Tabor to share with all the experiences of being a missionary.

All are welcomed so please join us to hear how God is using them to do His work.

Closing Program – Carnival

After a fun week of VBS the children like to share with friends and family what they have learned. This service is geared towards the children sharing with us songs, Bible versus and other things they have either done or seen in the past week.

The service will conclude with a slide show recapping the week.

After the service Mt. Tabor will provide lunch for all who attend. This lunch will be followed by a Family Carnival that all can attend.

Please join us!!

Current Sermon Series – Do Over

There have been a few times in our lives where we wanted a do-over. The time we may have wrote an anonymous love note, to someone only to have them figure out who it was from & tell everyone. Maybe you said something during a wedding ceremony and everyone heard it. Maybe you asked a friend how her mother was doing, then you realize you attended her funeral a year earlier!

These are just embarrassing moments that we would love to have a second chance at. But what bout the more important times in our lives where we’ve messed up. Maybe we’ve fallen into an adulterous relationship, bringing disastrous consequences to those we love. Maybe we’ve broken promises to break a habit, but have fallen short. Maybe anger has gotten us into trouble again at work or at home. Maybe abuse has entered our world and we no longer feel worthy.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just yell “DO-OVER” and get a chance to do it again? If everything that happened in your life was written on a white board, wouldn’t it great if you could just walk up and erase the board, and make it clean again? We’ve got good news for you. God specializes in do-overs. Join us starting Sunday, July 26th for this amazing sermon series.

Pastor Tim will bring messages titled A Problem You Can’t Solve, The Gift You Can’t Give Yourself, An Identity You Must Embrace, A Fight You Can’t Win by Yourself, A Love You Can Experience and A Life You Can’t Live on Your Own. So please join us as we learn that everyone can have a “Do-Over”.

127 Yard Sale

MT. Tabor is excited to announce that we will have a place for all to shop inside. We will be open daily Thursday, August 6th through Saturday, August 8th until 5pm. We will have clothing, knickknacks, shoes and smaller items as well as furniture, electronics, etc. We will have many tables for shoppers to peruse in the air conditioning while taking a break from the summer heat.

If you are hungry a food stand inside will be open and ready to serve you. Please note that all proceeds from the food stand will be going to help our missionaries in Detroit, Michigan and New Mexico.

If bake goods are more for you we will also have a section of all sorts of delicious bake goods for sale as well.

If you like to shop, like air conditioning and like food we encourage you to come on out and see us.

Current Sermon Series – A.D.

As millions of viewers will tune into NBC’s new A.D. series, MTCOG is inviting the community to learn more about the stories they’re watching and what it means for their lives today.

Over 100 million people watched The Bible miniseries in 2013. Now, from the same world-renowned producing team comes A.D., the television series event picks up where The Bible left off— at the resurrection of Jesus and the journey of the first followers of Christ. The series kicks off Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015, at 10:00 AM and will continue for 12 weeks.

The sermons series will include video clips from A.D. and will dig deeper into the show’s stories from the first ten chapters of the book of Acts and how they apply to life and faith today.

We are excited to invite everyone to attend this unique series that will bring the Bible to life in a new way. All are welcomed to join us.

Church in the Park

Mt. Tabor is excited to announce that we will be hosting “Church in the Park” again this year during Rockford Days. The service will be held at Shane’s Park in Rockford, OH on Sunday, June 21st at 10 AM at the large pavilion.

Please bring a blanket, chairs or sit on a bench in the park and come check it out. All are welcomed to join us!!

VBS – Kick-Off

Mt. Tabor we will be having a VBS opening program this year. This service is geared toward children and will be fun for the entire family. The message will be brought to us by “Remy and Friends” from Dayton, OH.

Remy uses a diversity of visual performance skills like Ventriloquism, Juggling and Illusions to bring an impressive presentation of the Gospel. This will be interactive for the children. His message will include visual skills and object lessons.

You will go on a story telling adventure of fun and learning. You’ll get drawn into the fun and be amazed as the puppets take on a personality of their own.

All are welcomed… Please join us Sunday, July 12th at 10:00AM!!

Please note: Your child does not need to be registered for VBS in order to attend.