Current Sermon Series – Do Over
There have been a few times in our lives where we wanted a do-over. The time we may have wrote an anonymous love note, to someone only to have them figure out who it was from & tell everyone. Maybe you said something during a wedding ceremony and everyone heard it. Maybe you asked a friend how her mother was doing, then you realize you attended her funeral a year earlier!
These are just embarrassing moments that we would love to have a second chance at. But what bout the more important times in our lives where we’ve messed up. Maybe we’ve fallen into an adulterous relationship, bringing disastrous consequences to those we love. Maybe we’ve broken promises to break a habit, but have fallen short. Maybe anger has gotten us into trouble again at work or at home. Maybe abuse has entered our world and we no longer feel worthy.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just yell “DO-OVER” and get a chance to do it again? If everything that happened in your life was written on a white board, wouldn’t it great if you could just walk up and erase the board, and make it clean again? We’ve got good news for you. God specializes in do-overs. Join us starting Sunday, July 26th for this amazing sermon series.
Pastor Tim will bring messages titled A Problem You Can’t Solve, The Gift You Can’t Give Yourself, An Identity You Must Embrace, A Fight You Can’t Win by Yourself, A Love You Can Experience and A Life You Can’t Live on Your Own. So please join us as we learn that everyone can have a “Do-Over”.