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 Women of all ages are welcomed to join us starting January 2nd on Tuesday & Thursday evenings at 6:15 p.m.  This 45 minute Zumba inspired class is an amazing workout to upbeat Christian music.  It is not only a fun way to burn calories, but you will meet new people and have a great time too!

This class is held in our gym located at the far entrance of the building and a $2.00 donation is collected for each class, and we will be donating to C.A.L.L. Food Pantry. Optional items to bring include 1-5 pound hand weights for extra toning and a water bottle.

To keep updated on our Z-Praise schedule, please “like” the  Mt. Tabor Church of God Facebook page.  To make this easier please note that to the right there is a link to our page.

Please remember this class is open to the public and we encourage you to invite a friends, family and co-workers.