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Wednesday Night Study

Lifetree Café is a time an place where people gather to hear inspiring stories and engage in conversation on a different topic every week.

On film and in person, you’ll hear stories that will make you think, spice your conversation, help you make sense of the world, and inspire you. And in the fun, casual, safe environment of Lifetree Café, you may share your story, too.

If you’re looking for a place where you can explore life, meet new friends, and experience God…then Lifetree Café is your kind of place. At Mt. Tabor Lifetree Café is a place where rich conversation is served up every week.

At Lifetree Café you’re encouraged to share your own stories and listen to others. But if you don’t feel like talking that’s okay, too. You’re welcome just as you are. So join us Wednesday nights from 7:00 – 8:00 pm.

Here is what is happening next week at Lifetree Café:

They had been married for 33 years, but something was continually keeping them apart. Find out what, and if it could be fixed. You may ask what is Intimacy Anorexia, and why is it putting millions of marriages across the country at risk?. Share your thoughts, doubts, and opinions while we discuss this topic. Join the conversation or just sit back and listen next week at Lifetree Café.

Join us as all are welcomed.

Worship With Us

Mt. Tabor offers two opportunities each week to gather and worship.


Worship Experience ~ Heritage
Our Heritage worship service is a place where the timeless expressions of our faith are valued. This service features hymns and the classic traditions of our faith in a friendly, multi-generational and family-like environment. Worshiping together in the sanctuary hearkens back to simpler times and bringing everyone closer together. Organ, piano and congregational singing are a regular part of each Heritage worship service. This service will start at 8am.


Worship Experience ~ Encounter
Encounter endeavors is to create a worship environment where people can “come as they are” and come face to face with the love and grace of God. Through energetic and engaging worship we hope to provide an atmosphere people of all backgrounds can worship together.

It is said, “A picture can paint a thousand words.” In the same way this is true; worship music, visual arts and the worship environment can draw people closer to God. Through this type of gathering; we desire to worship God with all of our senses.

Encounter is designed to help connect all regardless of where you are in your walk with God in a way that is God honoring, relevant, creative, transforming, and authentic. This service will start at 10:15am. We do offer children’s programs during this service.

Packing Party

We are going to be packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child on Wednesday, November 11th at 7:00pm.

Every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship – transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!

All who join us will be filling the boxes with basic need items like toothpaste, washcloth, soap, toothbrush, socks as well as books, toys, crayons, etc. Their will be supplies on site to place in the boxes, however we are also accepting donations.

Remember the evening starts at 7:00pm and we would love to see you there.

Fall Festival

This year our “Fall Festival” will be held on Saturday, October 24th from 5:00pm – 8:00pm.

Trunk or Treat – Join us as the children go and look at creatively decorated areas within the church and receive goodies, play fun games at each area and jump in the bounce house. This part of the night will run from 5 – 7pm.

Harvest Party – After the “Trunk or Treat” you are invited to stay and have dinner or a snack on us.  Enjoy soups, chili, yummy snacks .  This part of the night will run from 7pm – 8pm.

This event will be held rain or shine inside the church.   Dress up(optional) your children and come on out.  All are welcomed.

Children’s Christmas Program

Come join us on Sunday, December 20th at our 10:15am service. As the children who volunteered to be part of the program sing for us the songs of Christmas.

This program has children ages 4 through 6th grade participating. Please come support the children as they make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

Baptism Sunday

We are excited to share that we have a Baptism Service scheduled for Sunday, November 29th during our 10:15am service. At MTCOG we believe that being baptized is an outward sign of an inward change.

Please join us this Sunday as we rejoice in the Lord and share in the celebration of those who want to share their change with others.

All are welcomed!!

Baby/Child Dedication

The dedication service will be held on Sunday, December 6th at 10:15am.

We trust that those who have not yet reached the state of accountability are safe in the grace of God (Romans 7:7-12). Nonetheless, we believe that the child shares the benefits of Christian fellowship in the nurturing ministries of responsible parents and the Church. This responsibility is accepted and made meaningful in the Baby/Child Dedication Service.

Please join us as we dedicate these children to the Lord.

Current Series – Whale of a Tale

Please join us as Pastor Tim recaps on such a well-known and beloved Bible Story. This series will run from Sunday, September 20th through Sunday, October 18th. We will touch on Jonah fleeing from the Lord, Jonah’s prayers, Jonah Goes to Nineveh, Jonah’s Anger at the Lord’s Compassion and a sign for Jonah. As Pastor Tim touches on these topics you will get a better understanding of this story, while learning life applications. Please invite your friends, family and neighbors. All are welcomed to join us!!

Children’s Check-In

Mt. Tabor is thrilled to share that we have renovated our children’s wing. We offer special spaces for each stage of growth for children 0 – 3 years of age. We will have a rooms for Infants, crawlers, walkers & runners.  As well as rooms for children 4 years through 6th grade.

To make the transition to our new program easy we have implemented a automatic check-in system. Please watch the below video to see how the program will work.

We will be able to register any child at any time.   We have made the registration as easy as possible for all.  We can either register your child/children upon arrival or you can click the link below and pre-register your children today.

Please Click Here